Saturday morning saw members of RRP join in another reforestation session organised by the Friends of Chestnut Nature Park. This voluntary group was set up in collaboration with NParks to get more of the community involved in biodiversity conservation in Singapore's nature reserves and parks. RRP Leaders at UWC Dover, George and Naomi, had attended a previous session at the park in May, organised by local conservation legend N.Sivasothi . (aka "Otterman").
This time we were kindly invited by Dr Chua Siew Chin of NUS, who designed the day so her students from Ridge View Residential College could also carry out some community service work and hopefully be inspired to join in the future research and maintenance of the site.
Planting a Sandoricum Koetjape ("Lolly fruit tree") - taller than expected! |
George and Naomi planting at an earlier FOCNP event |
Thanks also to Nparks and contractors for kind help with some very large trees!
* Species planted included:
Koompassia malaccensis
Sandoricum koetjape (Lolly fruit tree)
Dyera costulata (chewing gum tree)
Parkia speciosa (petai bean tree)
Sindora wallichii
Elaeocarpus mastersii
Shorea Leprosula
RRP Planters: Wanhui, Naomi, Leah, Nathan.